The dark Hungarian black comedy Liza, the Fox-Fairy is the winner of the 2015 Leeds International Film Festival Audience Award for New Narrative Feature, and Landfill Harmonic directed Graham Townsley, Brad Allgood is the winner of the Audience Award for New Documentary Feature. Liza, the Fox-Fairy is about a 30 year old nurse whose only friend is Tomy Tani, the ghost of a Japanese pop singer from the 1950s that only she can see, and […]
Leeds International Film Festival (LIFF)
NAME OF FESTIVAL: Leeds International Film Festival (LIFF)
SINCE: 1987
WHERE: Leeds, England
The Leeds International Film Festival (LIFF) is the largest film festival in England outside London. Founded in 1987, it is held in November at various venues throughout Leeds, West Yorkshire. In 2014, the festival welcomed over 40,000 visitors and showed over 300 films from around the world, shorts and features, commercial and independent.
Leeds International Film Festival (LIFF)