Full of Grace

Cinedigm has acquired the feature film Full of Grace, which examines the final days of Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus. The film will have an early 2016 release date, which will be preceded by an extensive church screening program, and eventual release on Cinedigm’s newly launched Dove Channel, a digital streaming service offering curated faith-based content vetted by The Dove Foundation™.

Full of Grace is an artfully made biblical epic in the spirit of The Passion of the Christ which tells the story of the New Testament from the perspective of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. There is only one person in the Gospel that had the experience of living 30 years with Jesus, from birth through the Resurrection: his mother Mary. After a full life shared with her Son, fleeing into Egypt, losing him in the Temple, seeing him placed upon the cross, Mary is living her final days on earth pondering her life with Jesus. Set 10 years after the Resurrection, Mary eagerly awaits the return of the Apostle Peter. Arriving at Mary’s home after years of traveling, preaching and narrowly escaping death, Peter expresses the overwhelming responsibility of spreading the story of Jesus amidst heresies and conflict. Providing the encouragement only a mother can, Mary helps Peter re-discover the truth: he is not leading, he is following and walking in the light of God.

Written and directed by Andrew Hyatt and starring Noam Jenkins, Bahia Haifi and Kelsey Chow, Full of Grace is an Outside da Box production. It has garnered comprehensive support from the Catholic community. The filmmakers had a private audience with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to discuss the company’s mission and the need for more captivating human stories from the Christian point of view.

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